I have compiled a list of websites and companies where freelance writers can find work. Used any of these sites? Leave a comment and tell me your own experience and feedback for future freelance writers to see. Please include your first name and last initial, location and the month/year you used the site.
Last Updated: August 30, 2013
Freelance Sites
Pay: Varies on Contract
Application Process: Sign up for freelancer account
ODesk.com brings freelancers and employers together in one centralized location. Here writers can bid on jobs or employers can find writer profiles and offer them positions. Most jobs on ODesk require samples, but the most important thing is to fill out a writer profile entirely. Include a resume, samples, links and take all of the tests listed for writers -- most companies require these done before they will even look at a writers profile.
My Review: I have used ODesk.com since 2009 and still use it today. I absolutely love it. You find great freelance jobs here and there are plenty of jobs to bid on. Thing to remember though, is that you have to build up a work profile (meaning past ODesk clients) with feedback in ODesk for several months before you can bid on higher pay jobs or receive higher paying job offers.
User Reviews:
Content/Freelance Work Available Sites
Last Updated: August 30, 2013
Freelance Sites
Pay: Varies on Contract
Application Process: Sign up for freelancer account
ODesk.com brings freelancers and employers together in one centralized location. Here writers can bid on jobs or employers can find writer profiles and offer them positions. Most jobs on ODesk require samples, but the most important thing is to fill out a writer profile entirely. Include a resume, samples, links and take all of the tests listed for writers -- most companies require these done before they will even look at a writers profile.
My Review: I have used ODesk.com since 2009 and still use it today. I absolutely love it. You find great freelance jobs here and there are plenty of jobs to bid on. Thing to remember though, is that you have to build up a work profile (meaning past ODesk clients) with feedback in ODesk for several months before you can bid on higher pay jobs or receive higher paying job offers.
User Reviews:
Content/Freelance Work Available Sites
Pay: Depends on User Price Listed
Application Process: Author Registration Form and Confirming Email, No Application
This site has assignments you can claim from employer postings or post your own articles up for sale. The average sale rate ranges from $5 to over $50, depending on what YOU list it for. The goal on Constant-Content is to write an article that is evergreen and something companies will get on the site, find and purchase.
· Control the amount you sell your work for
· Good money for your work
· Pick and bid on assignments you feel qualified for
· No application, no fees
· Ridiculous guideline requirements. You not only have to use specific font and size, but then meet their endless pages of guideline requirements just for them to post your article for you.
· Review times are a joke. I submitted an article and two months later received an email saying it needed revisions. I revised and submitted that same day and a month later it was accepted.
· Don’t count on it for a form of steady income, since it takes months to even publish anything on the sight and months for someone to actually buy it (if they buy it).
My Review: Though you can make a significant amount of money per article, the editorial guidelines and review process make the risk of writing for this company not worth the time, especially if you have other options. They are, however, a good source for passive income.
User Reviews:
Pay: $500 per Month
Application Process: Long application (samples required) and long review times
Writers that work for About are known as “Guides.” You will share your information on a particular subject, such as health and fitness, travel or cake decorating. Writers are paid a monthly stipend as well as revenue based performance payments.
· Guides make minimum $500 per month
· Writers gain excellent credibility in the field and get their name out there
· Build a large readership base
· Rigorous application process
· Application processing time can take months up to years (on average, writers will not hear back on an application for over three months)
My Review: Though accepted into About.com, it took me six months to receive word on my application and the training/tutorial process was a nightmare. After all of that, they had to put me in a queue to actually work. Still waiting…six months later.
User Reviews:
Pay: Varies Depending on User Price
Application Process: No Application. Register for a writer’s account to post.
Article Sale is similar to Constant-Content, but also accepts international writers and clients.
· No listing or contract fees
· Name your price for the article
· Limited traffic since the site is new
My Review: Have not used this site.
User Reviews:
Pay: $1.50+ per Article, Revenue Share
Application Process: No application. Register for a Yahoo writer’s account to start posting.
Associated Content offers writers the ability to sign up for a writer’s account and submit articles for either an Up-Front Payment or Revenue Payments. Up-Front Payments range from $1.50 to over $10 per article, depending on content and the demand of that content. Revenue Payments vary.
· No application or fees
· Receive upfront payment on articles
· Easy submitting and editorial process
· Average 500 word article receives $3.00 to $5.00 for Up-Front Payment
· Revenue Share is based on article views; therefore, traffic must be directed to your article in order to earn additional income
My Review: A good site for dumping articles that were rejected elsewhere or simply do not fit other sites criteria. I typically make $5+ on Upfront Payments.
User Reviews:
Pay: $15-$20 per 700 Words, Revenue Share
Application Process: Standard application (with samples and links). Review times are fairly quick (1-2 weeks)
BrightHub offers expert sections that focus on money, technology, health and fitness as well as home improvement. Writers are paid $15 to $20 per article or have the option of submitting their own article titles for revenue payments.
· Helpful guidelines and resources to make writer’s succeed
· Good pay for 700 word articles
· Writers must apply to get into the company
· Writers must apply to claim assignments
· Editorial guidelines are extensive
· Review times for articles vary
My Review: Though there are helpful resources and concise guidelines, the editorial process for this site is not worth the pay for me. You can only claim one assignment (sometimes a few more) per section at a time and often all of the title options are picked up by the 2nd of the month, so you have to act fast to even claim anything.
User Reviews:
"This used to be a site I equalled with DMS, but since Panda, I have had to downgrade them. They require so much work at the outset for not much pay. I am still assessing their new Table of Contents, Quizzes and Photo Slideshow formats." - Meghann L.
Pay: $25 to $30 per Article
Application Process: Application with samples, education and background. Stingy review process and not everyone is accepted.
Demand Media removed their option for Revenue Share articles recently, which was a tragedy for writers. DMS, however, still offers flat rate articles for writers who have applied and been accepted into their company. DMS has one of the largest number of content clients that include: eHow, eHow Home & Garden, TypeF (Tyra Banks), Livestrong and many others. Once accepted, you will work for the eHow general program, but you can apply to other special sections. Demand Media also implemented a program a few years ago referred to a "development program". This program allows editors to elect writers for evaluation based on a poor article and if you receive enough elections you can be booted. This sucks, especially since it's highly subjective (based on the editor) and if a writer has a bad day, there's no wiggle room. I've seen writers with great scores, awesome content and who have worked there for years be booted without a second look.
· Good pay per article
· Great community in the forums
· Constant work flow, which means limited down time
· Pays twice per week
· Editors and writers are freelance; therefore there tends to be confusion in terms of guidelines
· Editorial process can be daunting for new writers and editors
· Interested writers must first apply and be accepted before being allowed to write
My Review: I have been working for DMS now since September of last year. To be honest, it is one of the more stable clients I have ever worked for. They are not my only client, however. Writers interested in DMS should thoroughly read the guidelines and be aware that writers who fail to meet the guidelines or writing standard will be let go rather quickly. Not the easiest place to work for, but good if you want some extra money.
User Review:
Pay: Revenue Share
Application Process: Sign up for a writer’s account and confirm email. No application.
Bukisa is similar to Associated Content, since all articles earn income based on traffic. You are free to publish the same article on Bukisa to other sites, since they do not require your content’s license.
· Quick, easy sign-up
· Revenue share for passive income
· Content must be compelling enough to earn high numbers of traffic for revenue
My Review: Ocassionally I submit articles to this site that I want to earn some quick revenue on. The most I have earned, however is $10. Though, I’m not very proactive with this site and others I know make $20 per month there.
User Reviews:
**Updated September 20, 2011**
**Updated September 20, 2011**
Pay: $350 per Review
Application Process: Requires a lengthy product review , but if accepted, Consumer Search will pay you for the writing sample. US Residents Only.
Consumer Search is part of the About.com family. Here you find reviews on products, buying guides and how-to’s in the retail world.
· High pay for experienced reviews of about 1,000 words
· Numerous categories to choose from and high amount of available assignments
· Extensive application process and company only hires so many writers at a time
My Review: I myself have not applied to Consumer Search yet. I took a look at the application and decided that it was quite the task. The sample review is assigned by them; therefore, you might be assigned a product you know nothing about, spend hours researching and writing 1,000 words and not get accepted.
User Reviews:
Pay: User-Submitted Pricing
Application Process: Sign-up for author account (No Application). No international writers allowed.
DailyArticle is similar to Constant-Content -- writers submit articles, name their price and companies buy them. Some companies will publish job postings for writers wanted.
· No application or fees
· Writer sets the price for their work
· Great place to dump rejected articles from other sites
· Limited traffic; therefore, articles might sit for a while before being purchased
My Review:
User Reviews:
Pay: List Articles - $30 to $50, Posted Tutorials - $50 to $100
Application Process: No application. Users sign up for a writer’s account. Open to international writers.
Developer Tutorials allows writers to submit their own tutorials for PHP, CSS and Photoshop programs. Authors have the option of selecting from assignments on the site or posting tutorials they have written on their own for client bidding.
· No application, no fees.
· Name your own price on the article.
· Site has very little traffic compared to Constant-Content; therefore bidding options are limited.
My Review: I have not used this site myself, since I am not familiar with computer programs well enough to write a tutorial.
User Review:
Pay: Revenue Share
Application Process: Short application/writer’s registration. Everyone that applies is accepted. International writers allowed.
Digital Journal is similar to the Examiner.com -- they utilize citizen journalism. Each “journalist” is given a page where they can talk about local events, news or even national stories. Users are paid for revenue share, which means they are responsible for driving traffic to the site themselves. Videos and pictures are allowed for user posts as well as an OpEd section.
My Review: I have not used this site.
User Reviews:
Pay: $4 to $16 per Page
Application Process: Short user registration and application.
Essay Writers is one of the leading professional writing services online today. They offer high-quality essays, term papers and other school-related publications to buying students. Writers must hold a Bachelors, Masters or PhD degree in the category/subject they apply to write for. Pay is based on value of the article and all articles are sold to Essay Writers directly.
My Review: I have done two essays for this company. The first I earned $10 per page and the second I earned $6.50 per page. The lower being a book report. The pay is good, however the editorial guidelines are very extensive. You bid on writing projects available against other writers and often the assignments are scarce. This is only a good option for extra income and only if you have a degree in the subject you are writing about.
User Reviews:
Pay: Revenue/Performance Based
Application Process: Writer application with sample (US and Canada only)
Examiner is a “citizen journal” site that allows regular citizens to become journalists in their area. This web-based news source covers over 100 cities (mostly capitals), but your content and pieces will most likely be seen by others if you cover one of those cities. You must live in the city you wish to cover and prove your expertise in the area/subject you are covering, since Examiner only approves writers for certain sections.
My Review: I have an Examiner page. I don’t feel I get very much traffic, even though I cover a rather popular topic for Salt Lake City. If you were to google search keywords that I have in my article, it comes up on Page 4. Not very good, especially when Examiner claims you get good exposure. This is, however, good for passive income. Write a few articles and let them gain revenue while you write elsewhere for real income.
User Reviews:
Pay: Revenue/Performance Based
Application Process: No application. Writers submit registration form.
Gather is a performance/revenue based site. That means you earn revenue or “Gather Points” for page visits. Gather is best suited for social networking and since the site receives a lot of traffic, it is an ideal place to send rejected or spare articles.
My Review: I have a few articles posted on Gather. Last year (2010) I earned $23.28 on eight articles.
User Reviews:
Pay: Performance/Revenue
Application Process: Application with writing sample based on an area of expertise.
Ground Report is another Examiner-like site where citizen journalists host their own pages and post their own news, OpEd or review pieces. Revenue share amounts are not disclosed on the site, but it is a good place to promote your own personal business (i.e. freelance writing).
My Review: I applied for this site three months ago. Haven ‘t heard back.
User Reviews:
Pay: Upfront/Revenue
Application Process: Writer registration (US and Canada only)
Helium is a good alternative to writers looking to get away from Associated Content. Since this site offer similar Upfront and Revenue based payments, writers can post unwanted or rejected articles on the site for revenue or a upfront fee.
My Review: Associated Content would be my first choice over Helium. They do not have the same Google Rank as Associated Content
Pay: Revenue Sharing - 60% of Adsense, 100% of eBay and Amazon Sales
Application Process: No application; writers sign up for author account.
Hubpages works like Squidoo sites, since it offers “hubs” or lenses that offer writers two ways to make money off their work. Affiliates such as eBay and Amazon often purchase articles and eBooks from Hubpages, but expect to write 900 to 1,000 words minimum per post. Though there is no application, Hubpages has strict content regulations and marketing topics are not typically allowed on the site.
My Review: I have a Hubpages account and “hub” page, however I have yet to upload any content on the site. Therefore, I cannot say personally how profitable it is.
User Reviews:
Pay: Per Essay
Application: Writer application with samples
Jungle Page is an academic site that hires writers to fill their database with essays, term papers, college entrance essays and even book reports. The pay is competitive and writers can make up to $750 per week, however jobs are limited.
My Review: I signed up for this site a few weeks ago, however assignments come and go. Typically you see five jump up at 2:00am on the 1st of the month and they are gone within the hour.
User Reviews:
Pay: Per Essay
Application: Writer application with samples and education required
KP Writing is like Jungle Page -- writers submit school-related assignments. Writers are paid $6 to $20 per page, depending on expertise and content. In order to apply, writers must have a degree within the subject/topic they are requesting. If a writer’s application is accepted, they must first pass a test essay to start working for the company.
My Review: Have not used.
User Reviews:
Pay: Revenue Share
Application: Application with three samples and resume required
Life Tips pays their writers or “gurus” based on performance and revenue. Though the pay structure is random, writer’s still must fill out an application for the job. The application process is very selective and writers must include three samples, a resume and proof of their “guru” expertise. Lifetips.com allows writers to publish their own 101 Tips book on the site for $9.99 and then writers will be paid $2.00 each time their book is sold.
My Review: Have not used yet.
User Reviews:
Pay: $20 per 650 words
Application: Stingy application process with initial samples/resume, questionnaire and trial run
Love to Know offers writers the ability to write on topics from home improvement to business to beauty and fashion. Articles are 650 words minimum, but the pay rate is more than adequate. Writers must prove extensive experience in the topic they select, have one year writing experience in that topic and prove it, have six months writing on the internet, and be willing to contribute so many articles each month. The application process is very stingy. After applying, writers accepted will have to submit answers to a questionnaire. If their answers are accepted, they have to perform a final trial run to see if they will work for the company.
My Review: Still waiting to hear back on my questionnaire answers.
User Reviews:
Pay: Varies based on posting
Application: You'll apply to each job posting per their specific requirements. Naturally a resume, cover letter and some samples should be in your email when you apply.
My Review: I've found a few jobs in my area on here, but none of the employers ever reply.
User Reviews:
Pay: Varies by posting
Application: You apply to each position on the site based on their requirements. Note that not all of these are work-from-home positions. So read the job description carefully.
My Review: There are not a lot of postings on here and they do receive a lot of applications per post.
User Reviews: None so far.
Pay: Varies from $1 per article up to $10+
Application: The application process is rather simple, fill out the form, submit a sample, etc.
My Review: I have an iWriter account. There are good paying jobs on there, but you must first complete 30 jobs and receive high reviews (so if someone doesn't review you for one, that doesn't count) to move up a tier. Then you have to go through the monkey show again to get to the next tier. It takes a lot of writing to reach the higher tiers and unfortunately these low-paying tiers have clients with unrealistic expectations and approval rates of 5 to 50%. Eek. But, if you are willing to put up with it and write 50+ articles at low pay, and turn in your best work, you could start earning over $10 per article. You cannot remove your money or get paid until you reach a minimum iWriter balance of $25 though.
Pay: Varies
Application: Vigorous! You have to fill out an application, submit a sample based on their request, take a grammar test and then fill out a portfolio.
My Review: I gave up after the 2nd test. They have such a long application process and I don't have time to waste on it. So as of right now, I have no experience with this one.
Pay: Varies by channel, anywhere from $10 to $80 per article
Application: When you apply you'll need a resume, submit a sample and take a test.
My Review: I was with Skyword before they made all of their changes. I used to be part of the Daily Glow and Lowe's Home Improvement team. But a year ago they changed to a new system. Now you cannot apply to each channel. Instead, you're accepted, fill out your profile and wait to be emailed if a job suits our background and expertise. Basically it's a black hole and I don't recommend banking on it what-so-ever, but a profile never hurts in case by some miracle you're accepted into a program.
Pay: Varies by posting
Application: You apply to each position on the site based on their requirements. Note that not all of these are work-from-home positions. So read the job description carefully.
My Review: There are not a lot of postings on here and they do receive a lot of applications per post.
User Reviews: None so far.
Pay: Varies from $1 per article up to $10+
Application: The application process is rather simple, fill out the form, submit a sample, etc.
My Review: I have an iWriter account. There are good paying jobs on there, but you must first complete 30 jobs and receive high reviews (so if someone doesn't review you for one, that doesn't count) to move up a tier. Then you have to go through the monkey show again to get to the next tier. It takes a lot of writing to reach the higher tiers and unfortunately these low-paying tiers have clients with unrealistic expectations and approval rates of 5 to 50%. Eek. But, if you are willing to put up with it and write 50+ articles at low pay, and turn in your best work, you could start earning over $10 per article. You cannot remove your money or get paid until you reach a minimum iWriter balance of $25 though.
Pay: Varies
Application: Vigorous! You have to fill out an application, submit a sample based on their request, take a grammar test and then fill out a portfolio.
My Review: I gave up after the 2nd test. They have such a long application process and I don't have time to waste on it. So as of right now, I have no experience with this one.
Pay: Varies by channel, anywhere from $10 to $80 per article
Application: When you apply you'll need a resume, submit a sample and take a test.
My Review: I was with Skyword before they made all of their changes. I used to be part of the Daily Glow and Lowe's Home Improvement team. But a year ago they changed to a new system. Now you cannot apply to each channel. Instead, you're accepted, fill out your profile and wait to be emailed if a job suits our background and expertise. Basically it's a black hole and I don't recommend banking on it what-so-ever, but a profile never hurts in case by some miracle you're accepted into a program.