Wednesday, September 28, 2011

10 Tips for Beginners to Create an Awesome Blog

A blog is no longer just a place to park a few thoughts. A blog is now a business, an income and a place to share your personal experiences, expertise and even your products. Unfortunately, you are not the only one coming up with the savvy idea of a blog, which is why you need to stand out in the crowd of thousands of other sites just like yours. Utilize Savvy Freelancer’s tips for creating the best blog.

Tip 1 – Create Personality
A blog is not anything people want to read if it has no personality. The best blog site offers personality, information and something entertaining.

Tip 2 – Post Consistently
Maintain your site with consistent posts. Posts once every other month or even every other week will not keep readers coming back to the site. Write up posts and submit them at least once per week or announce when posts regularly come out to keep readers coming back for more.

Tip 3 – Don’t Go Overboard
Do not create a site that has your weekly ramblings or have posts be over 500 words long. The average reader loses interest after 400 words; therefore, gear your posts to something the average reader will read, enjoy and not skim through.

Tip 4 – Have a Solid Idea
The most unsuccessful blogs do not have a solid idea. Instead they bounce back and forth from one idea to another, without consistency. Create one solid and very simple idea and stick to it. If you want to veer off course, then create a new site for that new route.

Tip 5 – Allow Comments
Enjoy the feedback of your readers by allowing comments. This will help you gear your next posts toward what people want to hear, get feedback and even have a little insight from others just like you in the same topic.

Tip 6 – Use Titles
Don’t skip on post titles or site titles. These are what search engines often attract; therefore, the title you use should be SEO optimized and attract visitors. The title should also be eye-catching enough in your blog for people to click on it and want to read it.

Tip 7 – Have an Audience
Decide the audience your site will speak to. The best blogs utilize one particular audience. Are you talking to the younger generation? Such as teenager? Or are you geared toward those headed into retirement? Make your posts, language and personality all focus around the main audience type.

Tip 8 – Be Visible
A private site is one that will not have traffic. Make sure posts are set to “public” status for visitors to read and enjoy.

Tip 9 – Be Social
Social networking is a best-friend to the best blogs on the internet. Create a Facebook, Twitter and MySpace page geared toward just your site. Drive traffic to that site with extensive friend lists and followers.

Tip 10 – Use Pictures
Visual helps a lot of readers. Use pictures to enhance posts, especially if posts are how-to related. Do not use other sites posts. Create your own picture to enhance and entice readers to read further. The best blogs will have picture galleries, examples and more to keep the reader interested.

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